“The digital transformation is no longer just a buzzword.” This was a well-fitting conclusion from Prof. Dr. Raimund Klinker at last year’s international logistics congress in Berlin. For several years …
Ludger Schuh
Ludger Schuh
Ludger Schuh († 19.06.2017) was the Commercial Director of INFORM (Institut für Operations Research und Management) GmbH. From 1993 to 2016, he was responsible for the products from the Inventory and Supply Chain Division. In January 2017, he took on a role as second Managing Director of INFORM.
- GeneralLogistics
Digitalization in the logistics industry: Be the Puppeteer, not the Puppet
by Ludger Schuhby Ludger SchuhStatements regarding digitalization and the accompanying changes to workplaces are often contradictory: some people imagine outlandish deserted factories and warehouses and proclaim the digital transformation as a
- Production
Dusty Production Planning Approaches and Advanced Algorithms
by Ludger Schuhby Ludger SchuhSuppose the following situation: You are working on a product with just one production stage, for example screwing a stand to a wooden panel. For this production step, you have …
Being innovative, shaping change – this guiding theme of the LogiMAT 2016 is a rough outline of what will await us in the coming year. Logistics and supply chain managers …
- Inventory managementProductionSupply Chain Management
Industry 4.0 and Automation – Is the Industry Ready for it?
by Ludger Schuhby Ludger SchuhIncreasing automation does not only stir the economy, but also the minds of the people. Many are afraid that they could lose their jobs and the media is fueling the …
- Transparent Tuesday
My Donkey-snack Tastes Like Fox – How Transparent Supply Chains Can Make a Difference
by Ludger Schuhby Ludger SchuhHorse-meat in beef-lasagne, donkey-meat in beef-burgers and a little fox in the donkey-snack? Taking something from the freezer in the supermarket seems innocent enough, but sometimes the list of ingredients …
- LogisticsSupply Chain Management
Why Supply Chains are Getting More Complex – And why This is not Necessarily a Problem
by Ludger Schuhby Ludger SchuhComplexity is continuously increasing. This poses a growing threat to our economy and logistics processes, in particular. These threats