Amidst escalating attacks and a seemingly unending crisis, the Red Sea predicament is poised to disrupt trade volumes significantly and pose formidable challenges to shippers’ operational strategies at least in …
container shipping
Panama Canal delays causing unrest for Shippers The Panama Canal is currently facing disruptions due to low water levels and restrictions imposed to conserve water. Delays at the canal have …
The global economy relies heavily on the shipping industry, the backbone of international trade. A seamless and efficient supply chain is vital for the movement of goods across continents. Among …
Foxconn to build $500 million factory in India Electronics manufacturer Foxconn has started construction on a new manufacturing site in India, with plans to invest $500 million in the facility …
The most recent (COP27) was held in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt between Nov 6, 2022 – Nov 18, 2022. The importance of COP27 is now being recognized as this is the …